
It is an undisputed fact that business has become more complicated and competitive, the customers have become more knowledgeable, demanding and most importantly they have various options to choose from. It is mandatory not only to perform amidst constraints but also consistently perform amidst the same constraints and this is a challenge today.
To survive in this difficult environment, one needs special “ammunition” and humour is one such very effective “ammunition”.
Humour plays a very important part in our day to day life, be it corporate or personal. Humour is a good way to start a day. And humour has been known to keep a person healthy. There is no medicine like laughter, it is an old saying and it is very true. Humour is good not only in everyday life, but at workplace too. It can enhance creativity, can lead to better communication and also lead to better trust among people.  When the work atmosphere is light, productivity is enhanced and the company too benefits.  Morale of the employees is enhanced and the employees are also happy. There is less attrition and people look forward to coming to office every day.
The Harvard Business Review found that executives with a sense of humour climb the corporate ladder faster and make more money in their career. 
Nowadays, team leaders and managers are required to have not only job knowledge, but also humour and people skills.  A manager or a boss who uses humour will keep the morale of his team high and this will lead to better productivity.  A leader knows the importance of laughing at himself.  This will lead to build up of trust.  A good laugh can remove stress faster than medicine.  And workplaces are full of stress. If the stress factor is addressed by humour, then productivity will flow, companies will prosper, and the general health of employees will improve.
Ultimately it takes only 7 muscles to smile but 19 muscles to frown, why take the extra effort!!  A smile is a curve that sets many things straight, so smile!!
